k, so now mom is officially crazy about glenn beck. as are we all.... well mom and jessie anyhow.
We(mom, jessie, and josh) when to the glenn beck fireside.... we went and saw him and the devil....a.k.a. michael ballam. he was absolutely fanominal. We loved everypart. you could definately tell those who listen to him all the time because when he said things like... "I'm trying to build a fence." people laughed... now a normal person would not understand this joke, but mom did.... need I say more?
We(mom, jessie, and josh) when to the glenn beck fireside.... we went and saw him and the devil....a.k.a. michael ballam. he was absolutely fanominal. We loved everypart. you could definately tell those who listen to him all the time because when he said things like... "I'm trying to build a fence." people laughed... now a normal person would not understand this joke, but mom did.... need I say more?